Michael Boyd lived a life of many challenges. Additionally, Michael struggles with high blood pressure, lupus erythematosus, failinghip replacements, arthritic knees and a variety of other medical challenges. In spite of his own disabilities, Michael makes a point of serving and helping those around him.
His Disease
Although always interested in bringing a smile to others, Michael remained self-conscious about his own smile. He was frequently in pain, and relied on over-the-counter medications for his severely decayed teeth and aggressive periodontal disease.
It was his sister who encouraged him to come see us. She had learned of the life-enhancing care we provide by reading stories about how we had helped others with similar health complications.
The diagnosis of severe, generalized periodontal disease with spontaneous purulence and bleeding combined with severely carions and abscessed teeth, left us no option but to remove all of Michael’s teeth in short order. He accepted treatment and we scheduled him within days for his full-mouth surgery.
The Treatment
We performed the surgery, uneventfully, with only local anesthesia. Michael remained relaxed, comfortable and enjoyably conversational during the entire experience. All teeth, including root tips, were removed, sockets thoroughly debrided and granulation tissue excised.
When Michael returned for suture removal one week later, we saw a much healthier man in every way. We delivered his complete maxillary and mandibular dentures and he received them with tears in his eyes — and a big, bright smile on his face.
He said they felt just like he had had them all his life. Michael looked and felt exceptionally well.
This life-saving makeover provided Michael with a healthier and happier life with fewer complications from his diabetes and other systemic health challenges.
His new smile was met with disbelief by all!
Lisa Marie Samaha, DDS, FAGD, PC
Port Warwick Dental Arts
251 Nat Turner Blvd
Newport News, VA 23606