Michael Boyd lived a life of many challenges. Additionally, Michael struggles with high blood pressure, lupus erythematosus, failinghip replacements, arthritic knees and a variety of other medical challenges. In spite of his own disabilities, Michael makes a point of serving and helping those around him.
Dr. Samaha
Dr. Lisa Marie Samaha’s pursuit of excellence as a dentist and as a professional artist has earned her a widespread reputation in the Art of Fine Dentistry.
One Of My Favorite Blogs
Like many of you, I enjoy the growing range of great blogs on the internet, in this issue of our cosmetic dental blog, I would like you to meet my dear friend, Elise Fee, our feature blogger. Elise was a patient of mine until she relocated to Utah, where she lives at the inspiring foot…
Welcome To New Team Member Delores!
The following is an introduction to our newest team member, Delores. Please take a moment to say hello the next time you visit our Newport News cosmetic dental office. A warm hello! My name is Delores Reid. Originally from Lyndon, Kansas, I am one of eleven children, one of whom is my twin sister. I…
Don’t Count On Willpower
Cosmetic dentist Dr. Samaha would like to share this guest entry written by Dr. June Darling for our January 2012 Newsletter. You can find more of her work here: http://drjunedarling.blogspot.com/. We can wipe the slate clean. It’s January, a time of new beginnings. You’ll hear people telling you to set goals. Yes, goals are good for…
To Our Friends And Family
Dear PWDA Friends and Family, We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the lovely days of Spring as always. We are excited to share interesting information with you. Our newsletter and blog relies on your input to be successful, so please mention any topics that you would like to see included in a future issue.…
It’s Laughable and So Easy!
For millennia, Tibetan monks have laughed out loud on awakening- no joke! Seriously, though, even faking a laugh cues your body and your mind to stay calmer and more focused. How? By shutting off stress hormones and triggering the release of feel-good endorphins. What else? We can show you how to laugh out loud enthusiastically,…