Looking for an effective way to replace missing teeth? Are tired of your dentures shifting around in your mouth? DENTURES VS. IMPLANTS If you are missing most or all of your teeth you have probably considered getting dentures, or you have them already. Like most of the patients who come to us with missing teeth,…

Dentures vs. Implants

Looking for an effective way to replace missing teeth? Are tired of your dentures shifting around in your mouth? DENTURES VS. IMPLANTS If you are missing most or all of your teeth you have probably considered getting dentures, or you have them already. Like most of the patients who come to us with missing teeth,…

Mind the Gap: Dental Implants Are Becoming Standard Care

Categories: Dental Implants
dental implants

A gap-toothed smile is charming on a seven-year old. Not so much for an adult. But if you’re missing a tooth or teeth, you have several options to restore your smile, says dentist Dr. Lisa Marie Samaha of Port Warwick Dental Arts in Newport News. Those options are: A removable appliance, also known as a…

Mind The Gap

Categories: Dental Implants
Mind The Gap

If you’re getting a crown on an existing tooth (not an implant), you can even skip the inconvenience of a temporary crown and proceed straight to a permanent crown, thanks to computer-aided design technology. So instead of a couple visits to the dentist over three to four weeks and the hassle of dealing with a temporary crown that can pop out or crack, you can get your new crown in as little as a one-hour visit, Samaha says.

What You May Not Know About Implants and Dentures

Categories: Dental Implants
What You May Not Know About Dental Implants And Dentures In Newport News

Implants to Replace a Single Tooth, Many Teeth, or All Teeth Dental implants offer a natural looking and durable way to replace teeth. They are also highly effective, functioning just like natural teeth, with a success rate of up to 95%. Dental implants don’t require special cleaning or maintenance – just the consistent hygiene and…