Angry, Frustrated or Worried About a Snorer in your House?

Do you find yourself sleeping on the couch because of a snorer in your house? While it can be pretty annoying to the bed partner, snoring can also be a sign of life-threatening sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is defined by episodes when breathing stops during sleep. Untreated sleep apnea has been linked to heart attack…

What Does the Term “Holistic Dentistry” Mean?

Categories: Holistic dentistry

You may have noticed that you have been hearing the term “holistic dentistry” more often. But what does that term mean? The term “holistic dentistry” has been around for decades, but is gaining steam due to the increased interest in healthy, natural living. Holistic dentistry is not considered a specialty of the dental profession, but…

Creating A Wave of Change in Dentistry

Our Doctor…Leading The Way In addition to providing outstanding cosmetic dental care for Hampton area patients, this past fall our own Dr. Lisa Marie Samaha was invited by DCEdental to host a ground-breaking webinar and share her professional expertise in Periodontal Nutrition. Dr. Samaha, known for her vast knowledge in oral disease and its impact…